
A Clear Marketing Opportunity big 3qrt

We have an extensive background in press/print advertising. Marketing platforms are continuously changing and press advertising has lost a lot of ground to online marketing. Yet it still remains a very powerful way of delivering a brand message.

Marketing in Motion is the result of a search for a new marketing platform that can benefit from this simple but highly effective form of advertising.

Vans are an ideal print based marketing platform. They travel into cities, suburbs and on motorways. This is predominantly happening during the day when messages can be clearly seen. The short, stop, start nature of van deliveries and the way they are constantly on the move means the message is continually being viewed by a new audience. This works very well for brand awareness as each van can receive 100 000 views per day.

While advertising on vans is not new, the principle of multiple van advertising is. Using 10 to 30 vans in a confined area changes the impression of the brand in the eye of the viewer. Seeing the same brand in more than one location within a day and then again, the next day and continuously thereafter makes the brand in question look big, successful and popular.

We also like the fact that branding on vans is read naturally by people as they go about their daily routines. The advertising is never unwelcome or intrusive. This makes Marketing in Motion one of the most positive advertising platforms around today.

If a van owner would like to add an additional revenue stream to their bottom line without any additional effort or a brand would like far greater brand awareness in the real-world, then please make contact.